
2024年2月16日—Headersserveasload-bearingcomponentswithinastructure,effectivelydistributingweightandprovidingsupporttoopeningssuchasdoorsand ...,,Theheaderbeamstheloadfromaboveanddispersesittotheoutsideedgesoftheopening.Headersaresizedbasedonthelengthoftheopeningandtheload.,2023年6月24日—Aheaderinconstructionreferstoahorizontalstructuralelementthatspansacrossthetopofanopening,suchasadoororwindo...

Everything You Need to Know about Headers in Construction

2024年2月16日 — Headers serve as load-bearing components within a structure, effectively distributing weight and providing support to openings such as doors and ...

What Is a Header?

The header beams the load from above and disperses it to the outside edges of the opening. Headers are sized based on the length of the opening and the load.

What Is a Header in Construction

2023年6月24日 — A header in construction refers to a horizontal structural element that spans across the top of an opening, such as a door or window. It acts as ...


Lintels (headers), structural members in light-frame construction which run perpendicular to floor and ceiling joists, heading them off to create an opening ...

What Is A Header In Construction?

2024年4月26日 — A header is a beam used in construction to distribute the weight of a structure, like a roof or floor, around an opening in a wall. It helps ...

Header Definition

The support structure over an opening of any type. Door, window and louvers all have headers, or lintels that support the structure above the opening.